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Policies, Plans, & Audits

Draft Code of Conduct 2024-25

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Title I

"The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments. This purpose can be accomplished by —

(1) ensuring that high-quality academic assessments, accountability systems, teacher preparation and training, curriculum, and instructional materials are aligned with challenging State academic standards so that students, teachers, parents, and administrators can measure progress against common expectations for student academic achievement;

(2) meeting the educational needs of low-achieving children in our Nation's highest-poverty schools, limited English proficient children, migratory children, children with disabilities, Indian children, neglected or delinquent children, and young children in need of reading assistance;

(3) closing the achievement gap between high- and low-performing children, especially the achievement gaps between minority and nonminority students, and between disadvantaged children and their more advantaged peers;

(4) holding schools, local educational agencies, and States accountable for improving the academic achievement of all students, and identifying and turning around low-performing schools that have failed to provide a high-quality education to their students, while providing alternatives to students in such schools to enable the students to receive a high-quality education;

(5) distributing and targeting resources sufficiently to make a difference to local educational agencies and schools where needs are greatest;

(6) improving and strengthening accountability, teaching, and learning by using State assessment systems designed to ensure that students are meeting challenging State academic achievement and content standards and increasing achievement overall, but especially for the disadvantaged;

(7) providing greater decisionmaking authority and flexibility to schools and teachers in exchange for greater responsibility for student performance;

(8) providing children an enriched and accelerated educational program, including the use of schoolwide programs or additional services that increase the amount and quality of instructional time;

(9) promoting schoolwide reform and ensuring the access of children to effective, scientifically based instructional strategies and challenging academic content;

(10) significantly elevating the quality of instruction by providing staff in participating schools with substantial opportunities for professional development;

(11) coordinating services under all parts of this title with each other, with other educational services, and, to the extent feasible, with other agencies providing services to youth, children, and families; and

(12) affording parents substantial and meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children."
                                                                  - from the U. S. Department of Education website


Title IX


The District is committed to creating and maintaining an environment that is a discrimination and harassment-free environment for everyone -- students, employees, and visitors.  Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a comprehensive federal law that protects people from and prohibits discrimination based on sex, including sexual harassment, in any federally-funded education program or activity.  Under Title IX regulations, schools must promptly respond to known instances of sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, in a way that limits its effects and prevents its recurrence.  The District will promptly respond to reports of sex discrimination, ensure that all investigations are conducted within a reasonably prompt time frame and under a predictable equitable and fair grievance process that provides due process protections to complainants and respondents, and impose sanctions and implement remedies when warranted.   

Inquiries about Title IX may be directed to one of the District's Title IX Coordinators, the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights of the United States Department of Education, or both.


Any person may report sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, regardless of whether they are the alleged victim or not. Reports may be made in person, by using the contact information for the Title IX Coordinators, or by any other means that results in a Title IX Coordinator receiving the person's oral or written report. This report may be made at any time by using the telephone number or email address, or by mail to the office address, listed for the Title IX Coordinators.  Reports of sex discrimination may also be made to any other District employee including a supervisor, Building Principal, or the District's Civil Rights Compliance Officer. Any employee who witnesses or receives an oral or written report of alleged sexual discrimination, including sexual harassment, shall immediately notify a Title IX Coordinator of such.  Reports may be forwarded by the Title IX Coordinator to other District employees depending on the allegations.

Making a report of discrimination or harassment is not the same as filing a formal complaint. A formal complaint is a document either filed by a complainant or a parent or legal guardian who has a right to act on behalf of the complainant or signed by the Title IX Coordinator, which alleges sexual discrimination or harassment against a respondent and requests that the District investigate the allegations. While the District must respond to all reports it receives, the Title IX grievance process is only initiated with the filing of a formal complaint.  The victim/survivor is in full control of what happens after reporting, unless there are multiple reports on the accused or if there is a perceived threat to the School community.  By reporting incidents, we can ensure victims/survivors get the help, support, resources, and services they need, and we can share with them their options for next steps.

Title IX Resources

Title IX Training

Title IX Coordinators 
Stacey Basford
Secretary to the Superintendent & District Clerk
Superintendent’s/District Office, Rm. 100A
(315) 375-8814, ext. 21001