Board of Education » School Budget & Elections Info

School Budget & Elections Info

2024-25 Budget Vote Results:


  • PASS
  • # of yes votes: 116
  • # of no votes: 76
  • Budget % of approval: 60%

Board of Education Election

  • School board candidate vote totals: 
    • Chelsea VanArnam - 125
    • Jeffrey LaJoy - 118
    • Scott Ritchie - 108

Library Proposition

  • PASS
  • # of yes:  98
  • # of no:  41
  • % approval: 71%

Capital Reserve Fund Proposition

  • PASS
  • # of yes:  112
  • # of no:  32
  • % approval: 78%

There will be three (3) Board of Education seats at large for three-year terms (July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2027).  BOE Candidate Packets can be picked up at the Main Office.  Packets are due to the District Clerk by 5 p.m. on April 22.  Please complete the top sheet when you pick up your packet and leave it with the Main Office Secretary.

To be eligible to vote, a person must be:

  • A citizen of the United States, at least eighteen years old;
  • A resident of the School District for at least 30 days; and
  • Must not be prohibited from voting under the provisions of Section 5-106 of the Election Law.


Qualified voters who are unable to personally appear at the polling place may receive an absentee ballot. To request an absentee ballot application, please contact District Clerk Stacey Basford at [email protected] or call (315) 375-8814, ext. 21001.

Applicants requesting absentee ballot applications must provide the following information:

  1.       Name and resident address, including street and number, and any town and rural delivery route.
  2.       On the day of the election, they will meet the qualifications of a voter.
  3.       That they will be unable to personally appear to vote because they are or will be:
  4.       A patient in a hospital, or unable due to illness or physical disability;
  5.       Out of town because of their duties, occupation, business, or studies;
  6.       On vacation outside the District; or
  7.       Incarcerated.

Applications must be received in the District Office at least seven (7) days prior to election, by May 17, 2024, for ballot mailing.  Ballots must be received at the District Office, Morristown Central School, 408 Gouverneur Street – PO Box 217, Morristown, NY  13664, prior to 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.


On September 20, 2023, New York State Governor Kathy Hochul signed into law Chapter 481 enacting the New York Early Mail Voter Act. Qualified voters can request an early voting mail ballot application from District Clerk Stacey Basford at [email protected] or call (315) 375-8814, ext. 21001. Completed applications must be received in the District Office at least seven (7) days prior to the election, by May 14, 2024, for ballot mailing. Ballots must be received at the District Office, Morristown Central School, 408 Gouverneur Street – PO Box 217, Morristown, NY 13664, prior to 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.


Military ballots may be applied for by qualified voters by requesting an application from District Clerk Stacey Basford at [email protected] or call (315) 375-8814, ext. 21001. Completed applications for military ballots must be received by the Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 25, 2024. In a request for a military ballot application or ballot, the military voter may indicate their preference for receiving the application or ballot by mail, fax, or email. An individual will qualify as a military voter if they (1) are a qualified voter of the State of New York, who is in actual military service, and by reason of such military service is absent from the District on the day of the election, or is a voter who is discharged from military service within 30 days of an election; or (2) a spouse, parent, child, or dependent of such service member who is a qualified voter and is absent due to accompanying or being with the military service member. Ballots must be received at the District Office, Morristown Central School, 408 Gouverneur Street – PO Box 217, Morristown, NY 13664, prior to 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

2023-24 Budget Vote Results
Overall Budget
  • Pass
  • # of yes votes: 131
  • # of no votes:  41
  • 76% Approval


Library Proposition

  • Pass
  • # of yes: 119
  • # of no: 52
  • 70% Approval

Board of Education Election

    • Lisa Thompson - 68 Votes, 3-year term



$10,953,442 Budget Vote Passed– 147 Yes & 31 No


Capital Reserve Proposition Passed – 148 Yes & 31 No


Board Members (Three Seats for 7/1/21-6/30/24 Term):

**Tammy Ritchie – 126 votes (incumbent)**

**Jeffrey LaJoy – 116 votes (incumbent)**

**Mark Blanchard – 72 votes (write in)**

Pollyann Demick – 65 votes (write in)

Jessica Collette – 26 votes (write in)

Phil Barse – 4 votes (write in)

Cyril Aldrich – 4 votes (write in)

Andrea Bertrand – 2 votes (write in)

Kenneth Moore – 2 votes (write in)

David VarArnum – 2 votes (write in)

Josh Barkley – 1 vote (write in)

Andy Bertrand – 1 vote (write in)

Bridget Whalen-Nevin – 1 vote (write in)

Jim Bogardus – 1 vote (write in)

Cheryl Shatraw – 1 vote (write in)

Kevin Crosby – 1 vote (write in)

Penny Bogardus – 1 vote (write in)

Andria Turner – 1 vote (write in)

Deborah Perretta – 1 vote (write in)

Mark Bender – 1 vote (write in)

Leann Moquin – 1 vote (write in)

David Demers – 1 vote (write in)


Respectfully submitted,

Stacey Basford, District Clerk
