PTO » Membership Drive

Membership Drive

The first class to reach 100% PTO membership will receive a PTO sponsored Pizza Party AND a $50 Scholastic Book Fair Gift Certificate (for teacher’s use in purchasing books for classroom library)

All other classes with 100% PTO membership will receive a PTO sponsored Popcorn Party!

There is strength in numbers!
Please join the Morristown Parent Teacher Organization and help support our school
Membership Dues are just $5 per family per year
100% of the dues collected are put back into our school!

Please complete the form that was backpacked home with your child and return with your cash or check payment payable to Morristown PTO

If you need a form emailed to you, please email us at [email protected].  The form is also available in the Sept/Oct newsletter.

You may return to your child’s teacher in an envelope marked PTO or deliver to the main office

Please complete only ONE form per family
Be sure to list all children with their respective teachers and grade level